Compact Variable-switching Regulated DC Power Supply

PAV Series – 400 W Type



  • 2U bench-top type
  • Palm-sized, portable power supply
  • Output power: 200W/400W/600W/800W 4models
  • Output voltage: 10V to 650V 8models
  • USB/RS232C/RS485 as standard interface (*LAN is a factory option)
  • 64 models total (LAN model included)

ImageSKUOutput CV [V]Output CC [A]標準価格WEBかんたんお見積り
PAV10-40 with LAN10V405700
PAV20-20 with LAN20V206400
PAV36-12 with LAN36V126150
PAV60-7 with LAN60V7780
PAV100-4 with LAN100V4830
PAV160-2.6 with LAN160V2.6101.50
PAV320-1.3 with LAN320V1.32510
PAV650-0.64 with LAN650V0.64600.60


ImageSKUOutput CV [V]Output CC [A]標準価格WEBかんたんお見積り
PAV10-40 with LAN10V405700
PAV20-20 with LAN20V206400
PAV36-12 with LAN36V126150
PAV60-7 with LAN60V7780
PAV100-4 with LAN100V4830
PAV160-2.6 with LAN160V2.6101.50
PAV320-1.3 with LAN320V1.32510
PAV650-0.64 with LAN650V0.64600.60


PAV Series 400 W Type


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Rated output voltage *110V20V36V60V100V160V320V650V
Rated output current *240A20A12A7A4A2.6A1.3A0.64A
Rated output power400W400W432W420W400W416W416W416W

AC input

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Nominal input rating100 Vac to 240 Vac continuous input, 50 Hz to 60 Hz, single phase
Input voltage range85 Vac to 265 Vac
Input frequency range47 Hz to 63 Hz
Input current (typ) *3 (100 Vac/200 Vac)5.05A/2.47A4.98A/2.45A5.25A/2.57A5.10A/2.50A4.80A/2.37A5A/2.44A
Power factor (typ) (100 Vac/200 Vac, at the rated output power)0.99
Efficiency (typ) *380%/82%81%/83%83%/85%83%/85%84%/88%84%/86%
Inrush current (100 Vac/200 Vac) *425 A / 25 A or less25 A / 25 A or less

Constant voltage mode

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Maximum line regulation *5 (for the rated output voltage)0.01% +2mV0.01%
Maximum load regulation *6 (for the rated output voltage)
Ripple noise *720 MHz, p-p50mV50mV50mV50mV80mV100mV150mV250mV
5 Hz to 1 MHz, rms5mV6mV6mV7mV8mV10mV25mV60mV
Temperature coefficient30 PPM /°C (after a 30 minute warm-up, for the rated output voltage)
Aging drift *8 (for the rated output voltage)0.02%
Initial drift *9 (for the rated output voltage)0.05% +2 mV0.05%
Maximum remote sensing compensation voltage (single line (positive or negative))1V1V2V3V5V5V
Rise time *1015ms30ms30ms50ms50ms80ms150ms150ms
Fall timeAt full load *1010ms10ms15ms30ms50ms100ms150ms150ms
Td (typ) *11210ms250ms320ms380ms1200ms
No load a *1240ms65ms85ms100ms250ms
No load b *13200ms200ms290ms310ms1100ms2000ms2500ms3000ms
Transient response time *141 ms or less2 ms or less
Output hold time (typ) *1515ms16ms16ms15ms

Constant current mode

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Maximum line regulation *5 (at the rated output current)0.01% +2mA0.02%
Maximum load regulation *16 (at the rated output current)0.01% +5mA0.09%
Change in the load due to the temperature drift of internal components (at the rated output current)0.05% or less (for 30 minutes after the load conditions are changed)
Ripple noise *17 (5 Hz to 1 MHz, rms)70mA40mA15mA8mA3mA1.5mA1mA0.6mA
Temperature coefficient100PPM/℃(30分ウォームアップ後、定格出力電流に対して)
Aging drift *8 (at the rated output current)0.05%
Initial drift *9 (at the rated output current)0.1%

Protection functions

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Foldback protectionTurns off the output when the operation switches from constant voltage mode to constant current mode or vice versa. Can be set as necessary.
Overvoltage protection (OVP)Inverter shutoff system. Prevents the output voltage from being set higher than the OVP value. Also shuts off the output when an output overvoltage (exceeding the OVP value) occurs.
Overvoltage protection voltage setting range0.5 V to 12 V1 V to 24 V2 V to 40 V5 V to 66 V5 V to 110 V5 V to 176 V5 V to 353 V5 V to 717 V
Undervoltage limit (UVL)Prevents the output voltage from being set lower than the UVL value. Disabled during external control.
Undervoltage protection (UVP)Shuts off the output when the output voltage falls below the UVP value.
Overheat protectionShuts off the output before the temperature of the internal components exceeds the safe operation temperature.

Setting and readback (USB, RS232, RS485, optional LAN interface)

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Output Voltage SettingAccuracy0.05% of the rated output voltage0.05% of the output voltage + 0.05% of the rated output voltage
Number of decimal digits3 digits2 digits
ResolutionApprox. 1/60000 of rated output voltage
Output current settingAccuracy *180.1% of output current + 0.1% of the rated output current0.2% of the rated output current
Number of decimal digits3 digits4 digits
ResolutionApprox. 1/60000 of rated output current
Output voltage readbackAccuracy0.05% of the rated output voltage0.05% of the output voltage + 0.05% of the rated output voltage
ResolutionApprox. 1/60000 of rated output voltage
Output current readbackAccuracy *180.1% of output current + 0.3% of the rated output current
ResolutionApprox. 1/60000 of rated output current

Front panel

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Control function
  • Separate knobs (encoders) for setting the output voltage and output current (setting resolution switchable).
  • Knobs (encoders) for setting OVP,UVP,and UVL.
  • Protection functions (OVP, UVP, UVL, foldback)
  • Output shutoff function (output on/off control, shutdown)
  • Communication functions: Standard equipped with USB, RS232, RS485. LAN optional.
  • Baudrate, address setting
  • External control: Configuration using external voltage (5 V or 10 V) or external resistance (5 kΩ or 10 kΩ), output voltage/current monitor output (5 V or 10 V), output on/off, front panel operation lock
Output voltage displayAccuracy0.5% of the rated output voltage ± 1 count
Number of decimal digits2 digits1 digit
Output current displayAccuracy0.5% of the rated output current ± 1 count
Number of decimal digits2 digits3 digits

  • *1. The minimum voltage is 0.1 % of the rated output voltage.
  • *2. The minimum current is 0.2 % of the rated output current.
  • *3. Input voltage 100 Vac/200 Vac, at the rated output power, ambient temperature 25 °C
    If the LAN option is built in, the efficiency decreases by 0.5 % and the input current
    increases by 0.5 %.
  • *4. Excludes input surge current (duration 0.2 ms or less) applied to the built-in noise filter section.
  • *5. 85 Vac to 132 Vac or 170 Vac to 265 Vac, fixed load
  • *6. With the input voltage held constant, the sensing point was measured using remote
    sensing from no load to full load.
  • *7. Models with rated output voltages from 10 V to 100 V were measured using an RC- 9131 A 1:1 probe that conforms to the JEITA specifications. Models with rated output voltage from 160 V to 650 V were measured using a 10:1 probe.
  • *8. When at least 8 hours has passed after a 30 minute warm-up with the input voltage,
    load, and ambient temperature held constant
  • *9. For 30 minutes after turning on the power with the input voltage, load, and ambient
    temperature held constant
  • *10. Between 10 % and 90 % of the rated resistive load and rated output voltage
  • *11. If the output voltage is repeatedly decreased, Td is the minimum duration from a given voltage drop to the next voltage drop.
  • *12. Duration for the voltage to change from 90 % to 10 % of the rated output voltage when the output voltage is repeatedly decreased and the duration from a given voltage drop to the next voltage drop is longer than Td.If the period between one voltage drop and the next is longer than Td
  • *13. Duration for the voltage to change from 90 % to 10 % of the rated output voltage when the output voltage is repeatedly decreased and the duration from a given voltage drop to the next voltage drop is shorter than Td.
  • *14. The amount of time required for the output voltage to return to a value within 0.5 % of the rated output voltage. The change in the load current is 10 % to 90 % of the rating.
    The output voltage is between 10 % and 100 % of the rating. During local sensing.
  • *15. At the rated output power
  • *16. The value when the output voltage is changed from the lower limit to the rated voltage in constant current mode with the input voltage held constant
  • *17. For models with a 10 V rated output voltage, this is the value for when the output
    voltage is 2 V to 10 V at the rated output current. For other models, this is the value
    for when the output voltage is 10 % to 100 % of the rating at the rated output current.
    Models with rated output voltage from 160 V to 650 V were measured using a 10:1
  • *18. In output current control, the current, linearity, and monitor accuracies do not include
    the load variation caused by initial drift and temperature drift of internal components.

*1. The minimum voltage is 0.1 % of the rated output voltage. *2. The minimum current is 0.2 % of the rated output current. *3. Input voltage 100 Vac/200 Vac, at the rated output power, ambient temperature 25 °C If the LAN option is built in, the efficiency decreases by 0.5 % and the input current increases by 0.5 %. *4. Excludes input surge current (duration 0.2 ms or less) applied to the built-in noise filter section. *5. 85 Vac to 132 Vac or 170 Vac to 265 Vac, fixed load *6. With the input voltage held constant, the sensing point was measured using remote sensing from no load to full load. *7. Models with rated output voltages from 10 V to 100 V were measured using an RC- 9131 A 1:1 probe that conforms to the JEITA specifications. Models with rated output voltage from 160 V to 650 V were measured using a 10:1 probe. *8. When at least 8 hours has passed after a 30 minute warm-up with the input voltage, load, and ambient temperature held constant *9. For 30 minutes after turning on the power with the input voltage, load, and ambient temperature held constant *10. Between 10 % and 90 % of the rated resistive load and rated output voltage *11. If the output voltage is repeatedly decreased, Td is the minimum duration from a given voltage drop to the next voltage drop. *12. Duration for the voltage to change from 90 % to 10 % of the rated output voltage when the output voltage is repeatedly decreased and the duration from a given voltage drop to the next voltage drop is longer than Td. *13. Duration for the voltage to change from 90 % to 10 % of the rated output voltage when the output voltage is repeatedly decreased and the duration from a given voltage drop to the next voltage drop is shorter than Td. *14. The amount of time required for the output voltage to return to a value within 0.5 % of the rated output voltage. The change in the load current is 10 % to 90 % of the rating. The output voltage is between 10 % and 100 % of the rating. During local sensing. *15. At the rated output power *16. The value when the output voltage is changed from the lower limit to the rated voltage in constant current mode with the input voltage held constant *17. For models with a 10 V rated output voltage, this is the value for when the output voltage is 2 V to 10 V at the rated output current. For other models, this is the value for when the output voltage is 10 % to 100 % of the rating at the rated output current. Models with rated output voltage from 160 V to 650 V were measured using a 10:1 probe. *18. In output current control, the current, linearity, and monitor accuracies do not include the load variation caused by initial drift and temperature drift of internal components.

*12If the period between one voltage drop and the next is longer than Td *13

Specifications common to all types

External control

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Output voltage control using external voltage0% to 100% of the rated output voltage (application voltage range selectable: 0 V to 5 V or 0 V to 10 V) Accuracy and linearity: ± 0.5% of the rated output voltage
Output current control using external voltage *10% to 100% of the rated output current (application voltage range selectable: 0 V to 5 V or 0 V to 10 V) Accuracy and linearity: ± 1% of the rated output current
Output voltage control using external resistance0% to 100% of the rated output voltage (application resistance range selectable: 0 Ω to 5 kΩ or 0 Ω to 10 kΩ) Accuracy and linearity: ± 1% of the rated output voltage
Output current control using external resistance *10% to 100% of the rated output current (application resistance range selectable: 0 Ω to 5 kΩ or 0 Ω to 10 kΩ) Accuracy and linearity: ± 1.5% of the rated output current
Output shutoff (SO) controlExternal voltage application: 0 V to 0.6 V, 4 V to 15 V, or a contact switch. Positive or negative logic selectable.
Output current monitor *1Monitor voltage range selectable: 0 V to 5 V or 0 V to 10 V, Accuracy: 1%
Output voltage monitorMonitor voltage range selectable: 0 V to 5 V or 0 V to 10 V, Accuracy: 1%
Normal operation status signalNormal (4 V to 5 V), abnormal (0 V), output resistance 500 Ω
Parallel operation *2 *3Possible up to six power supplies. Master-slave operation with a current balance function.
Series operation *4Possible up to two power supplies.
Constant voltage/constant current mode (CV/CC) signalOpen collector output (maximum application voltage 30 V, maximum sink current 10 mA)
Low level (on) during constant current (CC) mode High level (off) during constant voltage (CV) mode
Output on / off control (ILC)Output can be shut off using a contact switch or the like (maximum voltage between terminals: 5 V). When open: Output off When shorted: Output on
Local / remoteCan be switched by applying an external voltage or by opening or shorting the circuit.
Local: 2 V to 15 V or open Remote: 0 V to 0.6 V or shorted
External control status signalOpen collector output (maximum application voltage 30 V, maximum sink current 10 mA)
High level (off) during local mode Low level (on) during external control
Trigger output signalMaximum low level output signal: 0.8 V
Minimum high level output signal: 3.8 V, maximum high level output signal: 5 V
Maximum source current: 16 mA, output trigger signal span: 20 μs (typ)
Trigger input signalMaximum low level input signal: 1.2V
Minimum high level input signal: 3.5 V, maximum high level input signal: 5 V
Maximum sink current: 16 mA, positive edge trigger span: 10 μs (min)
Tr/Tf: 1 μs (max)
Program signal output 1Open collector output (maximum application voltage 25 V, maximum sink current 100 mA)
Program signal output 2

*1. In output current control, the current, linearity, and monitor accuracies do not include the load variation caused by initial drift and temperature drift of internal components. *2. For parallel operation of two or more PAV series power supplies with the same rating, the minimum load current is 5% of the rating or higher. For parallel operation of four or less models with rated output voltage of 160 V to 650 V, the minimum load current is 5% of the rating or higher. For parallel operation of more than four, the minimum load current is 20% of the rating or higher. *3. The ammeter’s display accuracy when the total current is displayed on the master unit is 2% ± 1 count of the total of rated currents. *4. An external protection diode is necessary.

Environmental conditions

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Operating ambient temperature and humidity0 °C to 50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F) 20%rh to 90%rh (no condensation)
Storage ambient temperature and humidity-20 °C to 85 °C (-4 °F to 185 °F) 10%rh to 95%rh (no condensation)
Installation locationIndoors, overvoltage category II
Altitude: Up to 3000 m (at 2000 m and above, the operating ambient temperature must be reduced), At 2000 m to 3000 m, the operating ambient temperature is 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F).


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Cooling systemForced air cooling using internal fan
Weight1.9 kg (4.2 lb) or less: 200 W, 400 W types (models whose rated output voltage is 10 V to 100 V and 160 V to 650 V)
2.0 kg (4.4 lb) or less: 600 W, 800 W types (models whose rated output voltage is 160 V to 650 V)
2.1 kg (4.6 lb) or less: 600 W, 800 W types (models whose rated output voltage is 10 V to 100 V)
DimensionsSee outline drawing.
Vibration resistanceIEC60068-2-64
Shock resistance196.1 m/s2 (20 G) or less, half sine, 11 ms, when not packaged, when not operating (IEC 60068-2-27)

Safety / EMC

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SafetyConforms to the requirements of the directive and standard below.
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU *2
UL/EN/IEC 61010-1 (Class I *1, Pollution degree 2 *2) (Design to meet UL/EN 60950-1)
● Models whose rated output voltage is 10 V, 20 V, 36 V, or 60 V
Output terminals and signal terminals produce non-hazardous voltage.
● Models whose rated output voltage is 100 V, 160 V, 320 V, or 650 V
Output terminals and J1 and J2 terminals produce hazardous voltage (other signal terminals produce non-hazardous voltage).
EMCConforms to the requirements of the directive and standard below.
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
EN/IEC 61326-1 (Design to meet EN 55022/EN 55024)
Withstanding voltage *3● Models whose rated output voltage is 10 V, 20 V, or 36 V
4242 Vdc: Between input and output (including between signal terminals)
2828 Vdc: Between input and FG
707 Vdc: Between output (including between signal terminals) and FG
● Models whose rated output voltage is 60 V or 100 V
4242 Vdc: Between input and output (including between signal terminals)
2828 Vdc: Between input and FG
707 Vdc: Between signal terminals (excluding J1/J2) and FG
1910 Vdc: Between output as well as J1/J2 terminals and signal terminals (excluding J1/J2)
1380 Vdc: Between output as well as J1/J2 terminals and FG
● Models whose rated output voltage is 160 V or 320 V
2970 Vdc: Between input and output (including between signal terminals)
2828 Vdc: Between input and FG
707 Vdc: Between signal terminals (excluding J1/J2) and FG
4242 Vdc: Between input and signal terminals (excluding J1/J2)
3200 Vdc: Between output as well as J1/J2 terminals and signal terminals (excluding J1/J2)
2000 Vdc: Between output as well as J1/J2 terminals and FG
● Models whose rated output voltage is 650 V
3704 Vdc: Between input and output (including between signal terminals)
2828 Vdc: Between input and FG
707 Vdc: Between signal terminals (excluding J1/J2) and FG
4242 Vdc: Between input and signal terminals (excluding J1/J2)
4244 Vdc: Between output as well as J1/J2 terminals and signal terminals (excluding J1/J2)
2780 Vdc: Between output as well as J1/J2 terminals and FG
Insulation resistance100 MΩ or higher (25 °C, 70%rh)
Conducted emissionIEC/EN 61326-1, Class B, FCC part15-B, VCCI-B
Radiated emissionIEC/EN 61326-1, Class A *4, FCC part15-A, VCCI-A

*1. This is a Class I equipment. Be sure to ground the product’s protective conductor terminal. The safety of this product is only guaranteed when the product is properly grounded. *2. Pollution is addition of foreign matter (solid, liquid or gaseous) that may produce a reduction of dielectric strength or surface resistivity. Pollution Degree 2 assumes that only non-conductive pollution will occur except for an occasional temporary conductivity caused by condensation. *3. Test voltage application time: 1 minute *4. This is a Class A equipment. The product is intended for use in an industrial environment. This product may cause interference if used in residential areas. Such use must be avoided unless the user takes special measures to reduce electromagnetic emissions to prevent interference to the reception of radio and television broadcasts.


Type I: Models whose rated output voltage is 10 V to 100 V
Type I: Models whose rated output voltage is 10 V to 100 V
Type II: Models whose rated output voltage is 160 V to 650 V
Type II: Models whose rated output voltage is 160 V to 650 V

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Compact Variable-switching Regulated DC Power Supply - PAV Series

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