Multifunctional Electronic LoadPLZ-5W/5WZSeries

  • Electric Vehicledrives
  • Evaluation test of converters for HEVs
  • Research and development ofphotovoltaic
  • Fuel cell technologies
  • Evaluation testing of rechargeable batteries, etc.
  • Device Evaluation Testing


The New Flagship model is born!
High-speed response, universal interface, large-scale system compatibility


Color liquid crystal display (LCD)

Highly resolution color display allows for the convenient monitoring of values such as voltage, current, power, current capacity (Ah) and power capacity (Wh) all in the same place.

New numeric keypad for easy operation

Values can now be input directly from the front panel.

Maximum slew rate of 60 A/μs

The PLZ-5W series boasts a 4 μs rise time, easily satisfying the critical needs of power supply evaluation tests demanding a fast transient response.

Maximum slew rate of 60 A/μs

High speed voltage tracking characteristics

High speed voltage tracking in CR mode is perfect for applications such as power supply startup tests.

voltage tracking characteristics

Operation modes

The following five operation modes are available on the PLZ-5W. These can be selected when the load is in the off state.

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Constant current (CC) modeA current value is specified and the current is kept constant even when the voltage changes.
Constant resistance (CR) modeA conductance value is specified and the PLZ-5W sinks current proportional to the voltage variation.
Constant voltage (CV) modeA voltage is specified and the PLZ-5W sinks current so that the voltage at the load input end of the PLZ-5W is constant.
Constant power (CP) modeA voltage is specified and the PLZ-5W sinks current so that the power consumed inside the electronic load is constant.
Arbitrary I-V characteristics (ARB) modeThe desired load characteristics can be set by specifying multiple arbitrary voltage values and current values as I-V characteristics.

Load On/Off

The following load on/off settings are available in addition to standard operations that can be carefully adjusted to fit the needs of any test environment.

  • Start with “load on” when power is turned on
  • Display elapsed “load on” time
  • Auto “load off” when time limit is reached
  • Control “load on/off” with external controls such as relays

Adjustable slew rate

The speed of change can be set when the current is changed. The slew rate setting will function in the following instances.

  • When the setting is changed to vary the current value (including the switching function).
  • When the current value is changed using external control in constant current (CC) mode.
  • When the current value is changed while the load is on.

Shift in the current waveform with the change in the slew rate
Slew rate

The slew rate is set according to the current range as an amount of current change per unit of time. Moreover, a common value is set for the rise and fall speeds. In CC mode and ARB mode, the slew rate can be set regardless of whether the load is on or off.

Arbitrary I-V characteristics: Installed “ARB mode”

In ARB mode arbitrary I-V characteristics can be set by entering multiple I-V points (voltage and current value set points). 3 to 100 points can be registered and the spaces between all points are automatically linearly interpolated. This mode can be used for the simulation of LED drivers and other DUT’s with non-linear characteristics.

Arbitrary I-V characteristics: Installed “ARB mode”

Short function

When the short function is activated, the maximum current value will be set if in CC mode, and the minimum voltage value will be set if in CR mode. The relay contact (30 Vdc/1 A) of the EXT CONT connector closes, and the load imput terminals can then be shorted by driving an external high-current relay.

Short function

Switching function

Switching mode can be performed at up to kHz while in CC and CR modes. The switching setting parameters such as switching level, frequency, and duty factor can be changed at any time, even while the load is on.

Switching function

Setting parameters
  • Operation mode: CC and CR
  • Frequency setting range: 1 Hz to 100 kHz
  • Frequency resolution
  • Frequency setting accuracy: ±(0.5 % of set)
  • Duty cycle setting range, step

Soft start function

“Soft start” is a function that controls the rise time of the load current. “Soft start” functions only when all the following conditions are met:

  • The rise time of the soft start has been set.
  • “Load on” state is in constant current (CC) mode.
  • Soft start input settings start from zero input and end equal to or above the minimum operating conditions.

Soft start function

This function can be used if the output of the DUT becomes unstable when the load current rises sharply, or when the operator wishes to delay the current change on startup to prevent the DUT’s overcurrent protection circuit from being activated. Can be set to OFF / 100 μs / 200 μs / 500 μs / 1 ms / 2 ms / 5 ms / 10 ms / 20 ms. This sets the soft start time.

High precision and high resolution

The built-in three-range configuration provides wide dynamic range and high precision.

PLZ205W operating range and setting resolution

Remote sensing function

With remote sensing, the voltage measurement point can be changed from the load input terminal to the DUT sensing point. By connecting the sensing leads to the DUT, the effects of voltage drops caused by resistance in the load cables can be reduced and the load current stabilized. To activate remote sensing, connect the sensing cables to the sensing terminals of the PLZ-5W at the DUT end, and enable the remote sensing function.

  • Possible remote sensing compensation voltage : approx. 7 V

Auto load off timer

The auto load off timer automatically turns off the load after a specific amount of time elapses from the discharge of the DUT. The integrated power and current is measured immediately after the load is turned off, ideal for battery discharge tests.

Auto load off timer

Sequence function

The operator can execute a long sequence of predetermined values with the sequence function. A sequence consists of programs and steps. A program is a collection of steps, which are executed in order, one by one, starting from step 1. The program is considered complete after the last step in the program is executed.

Sequence function


The operator can use the TALink (Transient Acquire Link) trigger to synchronize the PLZ-5W with steps of a sequence and enable data logging. Logged data can then be acessed via digital communication with the PLZ-5W.


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Setting itemDescription
Load valueCurrent, conductance, voltage, power. The values that can be set depend on the current operation mode.
Step execution time0.000025s to 3600000s
Transition method of the current valueStep or Ramp
Number of loops of program1 to 100000 repetitions, or infinite repetitions.
Sequence editing / execution / stop methodFront panel operation or remote operation via RS232C / LAN / USB.
OthersLoad on/off control, Slew Rate, CV mode addition, Trigger signal setting, trigger
signal output, Specifies the value at which a protection function (OCP, OPP,
UVP) is activated.

Synchronized Operation

The following synchronization features are available when simply connecting the PLZ-5W with other equipment using a communication cable.

  • Synchronizing load on/off among multiple pieces of equipment.
  • Synchronizing measurements (remote control)
  • Synchronizing the start time and resume time for sequences across multiple units
    Different PLZ-5W models can be connected (Ex: PLZ205W and PLZ1205W). Synchronization is also available during parallel operation.

Setup Memory

The setup memory can store up to 20 sets of the settings listed below.

  • Operating mode (CC/CR/CV/CP, with or without +CV)
  • Current/resistance/voltage/power value at storage
  • Range setting
  • Slew rate
  • Switching interval (frequency/time of one cycle and duty cycle/operating time on the high side.)
  • Protection setting
  • ABC preset memory data

Communication Interface

LAN (LXI) / USB / RS232C as standard interface
*GPIB Option

Communication Interface

ABC Preset Memories

Three setting values can be stored in preset memory slots A, B, and C. The stored values can be recalled freely at any time even when the load is on. In CC+CV and CR+CV modes, constant current and constant voltage values, as well as constant resistance and constant voltage values can be recalled and saved, respectively.

Diverse protections, other functions

Overcurrent protection (OCP), Overpower protection (OPP), Overvoltage detection(OVP), Undervoltage protection (UVP), Overheat detection(OTP), Reverse-connection detection(REV), Alarm input detection, Configuration setting, USB Keyboard Compliant

Booster (PLZ2405WB)

Achieving 2400 W in a “2U” chassis
Connecting up to 4 booster (PLZ2405WB) units with the master (PLZ1205W) increases the maximum system capability to 10.8 kW 2160 A. The optional parallel cable (PC01-PLZ-5W) is required to connect between the master and slave/booster units.

Number and capacity of parallel operations with boosters (maximum current and maximum power)

Parallel operation

Multiple units of the same type can be connected in parallel.
Even without boosters, up to five PLZ-5W units of the same model can be connected in parallel for a maximum of 6 kW, 1200 A. While connected in parallel, one master has complete control of the slave unit(s), allowing the user to control the entire system and monitor all data from the master unit’s panel. Parallel operation requires one optional parallel cable (PC01-PLZ-5W) per unit.
*The PLZ2405WB (Booster) comes with 1 pc. of parallel operation cable (PC01-PLZ-5W).

Number of parallel connected units and capacities (maximum currents and maximum voltages)

Connection Conceptual Diagram



Current sensor evaluation

Accurate current sensor evaluation possible when combined with a high-precision CC DC power supply. Additionally, 3-level range settings allow you to.

Current sensor evaluation

LED load simulation

Arbitrary I-V characteristics (ARB) mode
In ARB mode arbitrary I-V characteristics can be set by entering multiple I-V points (voltage and current value set points). 3 to 100 points can be registered and the spaces between all points are automatically linearly interpolated. This mode can be used for the simulation of LED drivers and other DUT’s with non-linear characteristics.

LED load simulation

Impedance measurement of the power supply

When using the PLZ-5W
Measure power supply impedance by configuring a system using the PLZ-5W, a function generator, and a digital multimeter.

Impedance measurement of the power supply PLZ-5W

When using the PLZ-5WZ
A function generator is not necessary.

Impedance measurement of the power supply PLZ-5WZ

Fuse rupture test

For fuse rupture tests, DC power supplies with high-speed CC current control is absolutely vital. Although it is normaly quite difficult to achieve such high-speed control with only a DC power supply, the addition of a PLZ-5W electronic load makes high speed current control possible.
With the PLZ-5W, fuse rupture tests that adhere to standards such as the JASO D612 are made possible. These tests include voltage drop tests, transient current cut-off tests, rupture time tests, step energization tests, and breaking capacity tests.

Fuse rupture test

Battery evaluation test

Although high-speed operation cannot be achieved using only the PAT-T high-capacity switching power supply, the fast-response unipolar power supply system can be suplemented by connecting with the PLZ-5W series electronic load in series and parallel. This makes it possible to flow current while synchronizing the charge and discharge current patterns for a battery at high speeds. Furthermore, the additional features of the PLZ-5WZ allow for seamless measurement of battery imedance during evaluation.

Battery evaluation test


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RatingOperating voltage (V)0.25 to 150
Current (A)4080240
Power (W)2004001200
Constant current mode (CC)Setting rangeH range (A)0 to 420 to 840 to 252
M range (A)0 to 4.20 to 8.40 to 25.2
L range (A)0 to 0.420 to 0.840 to 2.52
Constant voltage mode (CV)Setting rangeH range (V)0 to 157.5
L range (V)0 to 15.75
ResolutionH range (mV)5
L range (mV)0.5
Constant resistance mode (CR)Setting rangeH range (S)42 to 084 to 0252 to 0
M range (S)4.2 to 08.4 to 025.2 to 0
L range (mS)420 to 0840 to 02520 to 0
Constant power mode (CP)Setting rangeH range (W)0 to 2100 to 4200 to 1260
M range (W)0 to 210 to 420 to 126
L range (W)0 to 2.10 to 4.20 to 12.6
PowerApprox. VA505085

Common specifications

Switching operation
Operation mode: CC and CR, Frequency range: 1.0 Hz to 100.0 kHz, Duty cycle setting range: 1% to 99%
Input voltage
100 Vac to 240 Vac (90 Vac to 250 Vac) single phase


Booster (PLZ2405WB)

Impedance measurement system PLZ-5WZ Series(factory option)

PLZ-5W SR (Smart Rack) Series


Series options. For more information on optional products, please refer to the individual product pages.


Multifunctional Electronic Load Cell|PLZ-5W/5WZ Series

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