PBZ_Other functions

Sequence functionNumber of programs16 programs
Number of stepstotal of 1024 steps
Step time100 μs to 1000 h (resolution of 100 μs) *1
Preset memory3 memory entries
Setup Memory10 memory entries
Key lock *2Select one of three security levels
Remote sensingCan be turned on and off. Selectable in CV/CC mode
Power-on operationTurn output on or begin execution of the sequence feature
Soft start and soft stopCan be turned on and off. Soft start and soft stop time: 0.1 ms to 1000 s.
Parallel operation *3On up to two same-model PBZs (using the optional parallel operation kit)

* 1. The DC signal ramp and AC signal amplitude sweep both stop after 1000 s. The AC signal frequency sweep repeats once every 1000 s. * 2. Low: All keys are locked except for the KEY LOCK (SHIFT + LOCAL), OUTPUT, RECALL, A, B, and C keys. (The RECALL key is used to access setup memory entries and the A, B, and C keys are used to access preset memory entries.) Medium: All keys are locked except for the KEY LOCK (SHIFT + LOCAL) and OUTPUT keys. High: All keys are locked except for the KEY LOCK (SHIFT + LOCAL) key. *3. Total currents are displayed for the current setting and current measurement in parallel operation.

Related specifications : PBZ Series

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