The Customized/System solution realized with Kikusui strength having both technologies, Measurement Power Supply.

To meet with the various application of individual customer’s request, Kikusui offers to provide most suitable design of the system not limited to standard product items.

We have designed and delivered various custom products and systems to the wide range of customers from the field of RD to the Production, QA, Service in the industry of Automotive, Telecommunication, components devices to apply for such testing requirement of evaluation , compliance with standard which were required based on the system of Electronic loads and Power Supplies.

In case if you require any special application of the testing system which were not perfectly found in our standard specification of product line, please ask for your local sales re pre se nt at ive, we surely would provide our best proposal to meet your request by combining our established engineering of technology in Measuring instr uments and Power Supplies at our original point of view.

Field of business industry/Application

Controlling various devices and the Power Supply (Electronic Load) System for the reliability evaluation testing.

  • Automobile Various Electronic devices
  • Electronic ComponentsPDP, LCD panel
  • Telecommunication Switching box, terminal station, equipped device for the satellite
  • R and D, Medical Accelerator Control
  • Power Supply Tester High Voltage, Large Capacity, Multi Output
  • Others Chemical synthesis, metal plating

Charge-Discharge test system for the evaluation test for various batteries.

  • EV(Electric Vehicle) related application High performance battery for vehicle equipped motor, measuring for power efficiency
  • Fuel Cell related application Single Cell, Stack Cell, I/V Characteristics test
  • Medical related application Battery for small health equipment
  • Telecommunication related application Cell phone, batter y for the terminal devices
  • Power Supply Tester High Voltage, Large Capacity, Multi Output
  • Material related application An Electrode, Chemical synthesis

Test system for the Standard/Regulation Compliance application.

  • Harmonic Current measuring
  • Flicker Test
  • Immunity Test
  • Automated Hipot, Insulation Test

Please ask for our sales representative even if your requirement may not be complied with following categories.

Special order items

Inrush current power supply (For vehicle electronic parts test)

This is a constant voltage generating device that secures a rush load current operation region (with time restriction) in order to test loads such as starter motors, lamps, etc. that transiently require a lot of current. Addition of the output impedance variable function that changes the output voltage according to the output current is also available. (The photograph shows an example of DC20V – 300A (1000A at peak)model.

Inrush current power supply

Charge-discharge power system (For acral parts)

This is a model whose rated current has been changed as requested based on a catalog model Charge-discharge tester PFX2000. Charge-discharge test under various conditions of PFX2000 is available. (The photograph shows an example of DC5V – 50A 1CH model.)

Charge-discharge power system

We also provide sample connection jigs for quantitative and reproducible tests.

For cylindrical or square batteries For polymer or laminate batteries
For polymer, for laminated batteries For polymer or laminate batteries

300W x 5ch constant current electronic load system(For vehicle electronic parts test)

This is a multichannel electronic load system containing 5 channels of the electric load part of the 300W rated current per device. In this device, the constant current mode is the only operation mode as a special order specification in the pursuit of usability.

5Ch constant current electronic load device

Uninterruptible DC power system (For radio communication equipment)

This is an equipment that maintains DC output even when failures occur in the commercial power supply. This equipment is for social infrastructures, etc., which always need a stable DC output. (The photograph shows an example of DC13.8V – 16A model (over 5A – 2h at power outage).)

Uninterruptible DC power supply

Modified products

We accept orders for the various modified products based on the products in the catalog. Modified products that can be designed to meet specific application by adding your custom specifications to the products in our catalog, which have technology and reliability that have been built based on the standard specitications.

  • Addition/change of various signal input and output functions
  • Addition/change of operation system
  • Change of operation rating, etc….

For information about modifying the products in the catalog, please feel free to contact us.

Test system

KIKUSUIprovides one-of-a-kind test systems, including not only the equipment but also the application software and racks required for the test system, exclusively for our customers. We support our customers’ cutting-edge technologies with custom test systems that only KIKUSUI, a “measurement and power supply” company, can provide.

Charging and Discharging Power Supply System
(PWR/PLZ-4W mounting system)

Charging and Discharging Power Supply System

High Frequency Flicker Test System
(LIN1020JF implementation system)

High Frequency Flicker Test System

Charging and Discharge Testing System
(PFX2021 x 20-unit mounting system)

Charge and discharge test system (PFX2021 x 20 units mounted system)

Prearcing characteristic test system
(PLZ-4W mounting system)

Prearcing characteristic test system(PLZ-4W mounting system)

32kW x 3ch DC power system
(PAT-T mounting system)

32kW x 3ch DC power system (PAT-T mounting system)

DC power system
(PWR800L x10units mounting system)

DC power supply system (PWR800L x 10 units mounted system)

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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