PCR-WE/WE2 & WEA/WEA2 – IVI-COM Multi-Environment Drivers

IVI-COM Multi-Environment Drivers

An IVI-COM multi-environment instrument driver compliant with the IVI specifications. Compatible with Microsoft Office VBA, Visual Basic 6.0, Visual Basic.NET. And because an IVI-C driver is bundled, it is possible to use it easily in LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI.



Last update



  • 8(x86/x64)
  • 10(x86/x64)


  • To use IVI-COM instrument drivers, a VISA Library that supports VISA COM.
    *IVI Shared Components(Minimal IVI Version 2.3)
  • We recommend using one of the VISA Libraries supporting VISA COM shown below. (Mind that multiple versions of VISA cannot be installed at a time.)
    • NI-VISA 5.1.0 or later
    • Keysight IO Libraries Suite 16.0 or later
    • KI-VISA 5.0.5 or later
  • When using 32bit OS, the x86 edition of the instrument driver can only be installed.
  • When using 64bit OS, both x64x86 editions of the instrument driver must be installed independently as your need.


Common Library / Documents

VISA Libraries
IVI Instrument Driver Programming Guide

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